Available courses

La pandemia da COVID-19 ha contribuito a mettere in luce l’importanza dell’epidemiologia e della sorveglianza genomica nel controllo dell’emergenza di varianti di SARS-CoV-2 dotati di aumentata trasmissibilità e capacità di fuga dalle difese immuni indotte da infezione naturale o vaccinazione. Metodiche di sequenziamento massivo per la caratterizzazione di genomi interi microbici (whole genome sequencing) sono ad oggi estese a molti Laboratori di diagnostica microbiologica e di Sanità Pubblica. Tali conoscenze possono essere applicate non solo a SARS-CoV-2 ma ad altri agenti potenzialmente pandemici/epidemici, come richiesto anche dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità.

In questo quadro si inserisce il Corso di perfezionamento in "FILOGENESI APPLICATA ALLA EPIDEMIOLOGIA E SORVEGLIANZA GENOMICA DEGLI AGENTI INFETTIVI" dell'Università di Milano, coordinato dal Prof.Gianguglielmo Zehender, in collaborazione con il CRC Episomi e il centro di Ricerca Pediatrica "Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi", con l’obiettivo di preparare i discenti alla conoscenza delle basi statistiche e matematiche e all’impiego delle tecniche bioinformatiche di base/intermedie per l’analisi filogenetica applicata allo studio dell’epidemiologia genomica e della sorveglianza molecolare degli agenti causa di infezione, con particolare attenzione agli agenti emergenti.

Nel mondo scientifico la comunicazione è diventata parte integrante del lavoro richiesto. Sempre più spesso, infatti scienziati e professionisti del settore si trovano esposti o si espongono per propria necessità all’opinione pubblica. Tuttavia, la concorrenza fra i diversi messaggi, le fonti spesso non attendibili e la vasta scelta di canali di comunicazione non aiuta a far arrivare al grande pubblico i messaggi desiderati. Per raggiungere gli obiettivi di comunicazione bisogna dunque conoscere gli strumenti a disposizione e metterli a sistema con tecniche comunicative di massa efficaci.


Il corso ha la duplice finalità di illustrare le tecniche e i “trucchi” del mestiere per produrre contenuti attendibili ed efficaci in termini di comunicazione e, allo stesso tempo, offrire un inquadramento - seppur semplificato - dei meccanismi, delle teorie e delle prassi di comunicazione in ambito scientifico con l’aiuto di professionisti del settore..

Il corso dottorale, a cura di Maurizio Corbella ed Emilio Sala, si propone di mettere a fuoco i modi in cui la categoria storiografica dell’anacronismo e più in generale l’approccio archeologico, da tempo sviluppati nello studio dei media dal punto di vista visivo, possano essere messi a frutto nella ricerca storica sugli oggetti sonori e musicali.

Durata: 14 ore

Crediti: 2

Per informazioni:



Dottorato in Scienze del patrimonio letterario, artistico e ambientale

Welcome to the June edition of the Transferable Skills Week for 37th Cycle PhD students!

Access to this page is reserved for 37th-cycle PhD students who have registered for the June edition of ‘Transferable Skills Week’.

The complete catalogue of courses: asynchronous, synchronous online and in-presence can be found here.

Welcome to the June edition of the Transferable Skills Week for 38th Cycle PhD students!
Access to this page is reserved for 38th-cycle PhD students who have registered for the June edition of ‘Transferable Skills Week’.
The complete catalogue of courses: asynchronous, synchronous online and in-presence can be found here.
Welcome to the June edition of the Transferable Skills Week for 39th Cycle PhD students!
Access to this page is reserved for 38th-cycle PhD students who have registered for the June edition of ‘Transferable Skills Week’.
The complete catalogue of courses: asynchronous, synchronous online and in-presence can be found here.

In this course we will provide learners with useful coordinates to improve their oral presentation skills, considering the different aspects of building effective communication. We will discuss what effective communication is, the contexts in which a researcher needs to communicate himself or herself or his or her work, then learn how to identify and analyse the audience, and using proprietary schemes of work, already tried out with doctoral students at other universities, we will practise answering the fundamental questions that underpin a message that reaches its destination, exploring some guidelines and tools for constructing the discourse.

Delivery Mode: 2 meeting in classroom (25 June 11.00-13.00 / 14.30-16.30) + 2 meeting online synchronous (26 and 27 June 16.30-18.30)
Enrolment: Open to 60
Duration: 8 ore
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: Attendance
Accredited hours: 8h
Teachers: Eva Ratti, Phd & Giulia Pezzi, Phd

The aim of the meeting is to critically reflect on the skills acquired during the PhD through self-assessment exercises and peer comparison. Using real stories, we will then investigate how academic skills can be applied in the enterprise and we will practice with job advertisements to reason about the correspondence between academic skills and enterprise roles. We will then conclude with a guided exercise on setting up one's own skills profile, providing useful references and resources for completing the pathway, identifying target destinations, filling any gaps (training, self-training, certifications, enrolments)

Mode of delivery: 28 June 3 shifts of 3 hours for 60 people at a time
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 3 h
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: attendance
Accredited hours: 3h
Teachers: Eva Ratti, Phd & Giulia Pezzi, Phd

Preparation of a dissemination plan for a research project. Notes on responsible research and innovation.

Mode of delivery: in the classroom 24 June 14.30 -16.30, room G11, via Golgi 19 
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 2 h
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: attendance
Accredited hours: 2h
Teachers: prof. Ivano Eberini

The content of this course will be dedicated to building your own post-doctoral professional perspective.

Through the video lessons, we will provide some general coordinates and communicate the more practical tutorials to be used when doctoral students actually have to work on their own self-promotion materials.

In the synchronous webinar, on the other hand, we will welcome questions and mention some critical issues underlying the professional transition of male and female researchers in particular, such as language gaps, prejudices and dynamics of (de)motivation, stimulating the discussion of real experiences.

Delivery Mode: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 60' 
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: Watch all video lessons + test
Accredited hours: 2h
Teachers: Eva Ratti, Phd & Giulia Pezzi, Phd


For interested and registered participants only, a 2-hour synchronous webinar on 24 June from 11am - 1pm.

Delivery Mode: Webinar on 24 June 11-13
Registration: open to all
Duration: 2h
Language: ENG
Criteria for completion: Attandence
Accredited hours: 2h
Teachers: Eva Ratti, Phd & Giulia Pezzi, Phd

The course is designed as an in-depth study and discussion of case studies on the use of intellectual property for innovation.

Delivery mode: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 60' 
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: Watch the video lessons and take the test embedded in the video
Accredited hours: 2h
Teachers: dott.ssa Federica Marinoni


An active teaching methodology that requires the direct involvement of participants will be the basis of this teaching day. They will work in interdisciplinary groups on an integrated sustainability assessment report. The aim is to integrate the multidisciplinary topic of integrated sustainability into the doctoral studies.

To be able to actively participate in the case study, which will be discussed in the classroom, it is necessary to have watched the video lectures of the course Valutare la Sostenibilità Integrata and to have read the materials in the following folder.

Mode of delivery: In classroom June 28, dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 13.00, presso l'aula G21, via Golgi 19
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 4 ore
Language: ITA
Completion criteria: Attendance
Accredited hours: 4h
Teachers: Prof. Bocchi, De Marinis, Phd, Prof. Bini

Financial education can play a key role in providing not only the knowledge and skills needed to look after one's own future, but also the sensitivity to make choices that are compatible with the interests of the community and, in particular, the protection of the environment. It is important that people become aware of the impact of their choices, not only when it comes to spending, but also when it comes to saving. It is high time that we had not only consumers but also responsible savers. Financial education can make a decisive contribution to reconciling economic life with ecological balance. 

Mode of delivery: in classroom V8 via Venezian, monday 24 June 10.30-12.30 
Enrolment: Open to 60 people
Duration: 2 ore
Language: ITA
Completion criteria: Attendence
Accredited hours: 2h
Teachers: Prof.Fantacci


In the current work environment it is important to transmit knowledge through presentations and public speaking. This course aims at harnessing your presentation and public speaking skills through the use of delivery techniques such as tone and pace, in order to appear more confident and authentic throughout. Rooted in the method of psychodynamic coaching, we will be looking at ways to handle and overcome anxiety before and during a speech.

Mode of delivery: 2 meeting online synchronous (01/07, 14:30/16:30; 02/07, 14:30/16:30)
Registration: 60 people
Duration: 4 ore
Language: ENG

Completion criteria: Attendance
Accredited hours: 4h
Teachers: dott.ssa Monika Solberg

Following the video lessons, you will be able to understand the topics of:

  • Basic concepts related to entrepreneurship with reference to business creation in the academic mode
  • Basic concept of innovation of the actors involved in the innovation process and the path of valorisation through business creation
  • Types of start-ups, characteristics of a new entrepreneurial reality
  • Hints on the concept of business plan and business model
  • Ways and means of financing innovative projects and new entrepreneurial realities: institutional investors, public funds, calls dedicated to innovation and crowfunding
  • Corporate forms: constitution of a new company and characteristic elements of a new enterprise: shareholders, articles of incorporation, shareholders' agreements, governing and administrative bodies
  • Innovative start-ups in the Italian legislation.

Mode of delivery: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 120' 
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: Watch all video lessons and pass the final test
Accredited hours: 4h
Teachers: dott.ssa Ilaria Libani, avv. Giacomo Garbagnati

Two short lectures offered in the second year with the aim of opening up a new perspective through which to view one's own doctoral career, and to understand its significance beyond the subject of one's specialisation. A path of choice for the training of innovation skills that are required in a business environment such as the contemporary business environment. Learners are invited to reflect on the transversal learning inherent in their pathway, with a view to enhancing the experience as a whole.

Mode of delivery: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 60' 
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: Watch all video lessons
Accredited hours: 2h
Teachers: Eva Ratti, Phd

The basic course on Intellectual Property and Patents aims to provide scientific content to improve knowledge on the subject. In particular to:

  • Improve the understanding of the basic concepts regarding the protection and enhancement of Intellectual Property;
  • Improve the knowledge and understanding of the different types of Intellectual Property and the protection methods for each of them;
  • Acquisition of knowledge related to the definition of an invention, inventor and owner and the evaluation of patentability of findings, with special focus on the requirements under the law;
  • Acquisition of knowledge related to how to protect the confidentiality of Intellectual Property;
  • Acquisition of knowledge related to the different types of patents;
  • Understanding of the steps necessary to evaluate the patentability of results, with focus on the process within the University of Milan;
  • Acquisition of basic knowledge for assessing the value of Intellectual Property and introduction to the valorization processes.
Delivery mode: ondemand - self paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: open to all
Duration: 90'
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: watch all the video lessons and pass the final test
Recognised hours: 3h
Teachers: Dr. Federica Marinoni, Dr. Alessandro Satta
Referring Structure: Intellectual Property Office, Innovation and Knowledge Enhancement Directorate

The course is designed for blended delivery. There are 2 hours of in-person lessons and an asynchronous assignment for the preparation of a dissemination plan, which will be discussed in a 3-hour online workshop for the second module.

Mode of delivery: in the classroom aula G11, via Golgi 19, June 25, 14.30-16.30 and online synchronous a September p.v.
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 2+3 h
Language: ITA/ENG
Completion criteria: attendance
Accredited hours: 5h
Teacher: prof. Eberini

This module explores the introduction's vital role in research papers, teaching students to create compelling rationales, contextualize research questions, and structure papers effectively. Moreover, this module focuses on mastering engaging introductions by employing language stems to articulate significance, identify gaps in literature, and clarify research objectives, enhancing overall writing impact and coherence. Through step-by-step guidance, students develop skills to captivate readers and seamlessly lead them into the research's core.


Mode of delivery: 2 meeting online synchronous (June 26, 09:00 - 11:00 + June 27, 09:00 - 11:00)

Registration: 60 people
Duration: 4 ore
Language: ENG

Completion criteria: Attendance
Accredited hours: 4h
Teachers: dott.ssa Lesley Gowland

The teaching programme includes the presentation and discussion of topics related to Open Science with the aim of To adopt the concept of Open Science as an everyday research practice; To distinguish between different forms of Open Access; To learn how to manage copyright and understand the implications of responsible management; To improve knowledge of institutional, national and European policies on Open Science; Learn about the tools available to researchers as authors and users of research results; Learn how dissemination systems affect the choices and behaviour of researchers.

Mode of delivery: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 180' Language: ITA
Completion criteria: Watch all video lessons, pass the final test and post your answer in the forum
Accredited hours: 6h
Teachers: Dott.ssa Paola Galimberti


The teaching programme includes the presentation and discussion of topics related to Open Science with the aim of To adopt the concept of Open Science as an everyday research practice; To distinguish between different forms of Open Access; To learn how to manage copyright and understand the implications of responsible management; To improve knowledge of institutional, national and European policies on Open Science; Learn about the tools available to researchers as authors and users of research results; Learn how dissemination systems affect the choices and behaviour of researchers.

Mode of delivery: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 180' Language: ITA/ENG
Completion criteria: Watch all video lessons, pass the final test and post your answer in the forum
Accredited hours: 6h
Teachers: Dott.ssa Paola Galimberti


For interested and registered participants only, 1 hour via Teams, July 1, 09:30 am - 10:30 a.m.

Delivery Mode: Microsoft Teams, July 1, 09:30 am - 10:30 a.m.
Registration: 60 people
Duration: 1h
Language: ITA/ENG
Criteria for completion: Attendance + Reflection on action (before to be present in class)
Accredited hours: 1h
Teachers: Dott.ssa Paola Galimberti

Students learn fundamental principles of academic writing, emphasizing clarity, coherence, and conciseness. They gain insight into scholarly communication and the importance of adhering to academic conventions through practical exercises. This module focuses on abstract crafting, teaching students to summarize problem statements, literature, methodology, results, and implications effectively for research communication.

Mode of delivery: 2 meeting online synchronous (July 3, 9:00 - 11:00; July 4, 9:00-11:00)
Registration: 60 people
Duration: 4 ore
Language: ENG

Completion criteria: Attendance
Accredited hours: 4h
Teachers: dott.ssa Lesley Gowland


Topics covered include:

  • The European Chart of researchers
  • Deindividualization
  • Information distribution and new media
  • Ethics in communication and social network influence
  • Relevant cases of successful communication and crisis management on new media
  • Communication analysis workshop on new media

L'insegnamento prevede di affrontare i seguenti argomenti:

  • La carta europea dei ricercatori
  • Deindividualizzazione
  • Distribuzione dell’informazione e nuovi media
  •  Etica nella comunicazione e influenza della rete sociale
  • Casi rilevanti di comunicazione di successo e di crisis management sui nuovi media
  •  Laboratorio di analisi della comunicazione sui nuovi media

Delivery Mode: in presence, room G21, via Golgi 19, on 03 July 2024 from 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. + 04 July synchronously on Teams from 11.00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Enrolment: Open to all, Registration before attendance is mandatory
Duration: 5h 
Language: ITA
Completion criteria: Attendance
Accredited hours: 5h
Teachers: Prof. Eberini

During these sessions we will be looking at a variety of interview questions, both academic and job interview questions. Defying our inner critic in the midst of the joy initially being felt when invited to a job interview. This course will prepare and empower candidates to deal with different types of interview questions, and answer in the best possible manner, in order to obtain the best result. Rooted in the method of psychodynamic coaching, we will be looking at ways and methods to enhance when answering tricky questions in a limited amount of time.

Mode of delivery: 2 meeting online synchronous (June 24, 14:30 - 16:30 + June 25, 09:30 - 11:30)
Registration: 60 people
Duration: 4 ore
Language: ENG

Completion criteria: Attendance
Accredited hours: 4h
Teachers: dott.ssa Monika Solberg

An active teaching methodology that requires the direct involvement of participants will be the basis of this teaching day. They will work in interdisciplinary groups on an data report. The aim is to integrate the multidisciplinary topic of data into the doctoral studies.

To be able to actively participate in the case study, which will be discussed in the classroom, it is necessary to have watched the video lectures of the course Open Science e Research Integrity and to have read the materials in the following folder.

Mode of delivery: In classroom, July 5, 10.00-13.00, room G10, via Golgi 19, Milan + On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all, Registration before attendance is mandatory
Duration: 3 ore
Language: ITA
Completion criteria: Attendance
Accredited hours: 4h
Teachers: Prof. Perri

Research integrity entails honesty and ethical conduct, avoiding plagiarism and data manipulation.

Supporting reproducible research involves transparent reporting and sharing of data and methodologies.

Reproducibility ensures consistent results with the same data and methods, while replicability confirms results across different datasets or methods.

To achieve reproducibility, researchers follow rigorous methodologies, document workflows, and make data openly accessible.

National and international regulations govern research integrity, covering areas like data management and ethical treatment of subjects.


Mode of delivery: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 180'
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: Listen to all audio and pass the final test
Accredited hours: 5h
Teachers: Prof. ssa Ragni, Prof.ssa Edefonti, prof. Sironi

What next after PhD?

  • The research funding system;
  • The different forms of research grants;
  • Reading a research call;
  • Defining the project idea;
  • Write the scientific and non-scientific content of a competitive proposal in response to a call for proposal;
  • Writing a competitive proposal from the point of view of non-scientific content, in response to a call for proposal;
  • Prepare the CV as an integral part of a research project submitted in response to a call for proposal.


Mode of delivery: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration:  120'
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: Watch all video lessons and pass the final test
Accredited hours: 4h
Teachers: Tomaso Perani, Phd

In this second part of the Open Science teaching on predatory journals, pre-print and open peer review we will focus on:

  • Define (and identify) a predatory journal or conference
  • Learn about and use tools to identify predatory journals and conferences.
  • Improve knowledge on preprint and open peer review
  • Improve one's knowledge of public infrastructure available to researchers vs. proprietary tools


Mode of delivery: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 120' Language: /ENG
Completion criteria: Watch all video lessons and pass the final test
Accredited hours: 5h
Teachers: Dott.ssa Paola Galimberti

The course aims to:

  • Improve data management knowledge and skills (because managing data costs less than not managing it)
  • Deepen the definition of FAIR data
  • Analyse a data management plan and understand its benefits


Mode of delivery: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 120' Language: ITA
Completion criteria: Watch all video lessons, view and carry out tests
Accredited hours: 4h
TeachersDott.ssa Paola Galimberti

As doctoral and post-doctoral students, you will be called upon to engage with the content and methods of evaluating sustainability research projects.
When dealing with sustainability issues, it is appropriate - if not necessary - to base your approach on the principles of integration, universality and participation. For example, the first principle - that of integration - encourages us to change our perspective, both in thought and in action. So-called integrative thinking is now seen as a prerequisite for achieving two goals: a) to develop projects that address highly complex challenges (climate, socio-economic, health emergencies); b) to be able to adequately communicate the results obtained.

The Integrated Sustainability Assessment for Global Health course addresses these issues from different angles.  Starting from the contents of the video lessons, which focus on particularly topical issues, attention is drawn to the so-called integrated sustainability report, which is now considered a necessary tool for promoting a culture of transition, regeneration of ecosystems and global health within the world of higher education.

Mode of delivery: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 180'
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: Watch all video lessons and pass the final test
Accredited hours: 5h
Teachers: Prof. Ambosini, Prof. Bini, Prof. Bocchi, Prof. Borghini, Prof. Raviglione, Prof.ssa Rossetti, De Marinis, Phd Fellow

A course devoted to who is an author, how to select a journal and roles of editors, reviewers and publishers to improve your knowledge and skills on the paper submission and review processes, and possible reasons of a paper acceptance or rejection

Mode of delivery: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 60'
Language: ENG
Completion criteria: Watch all video lessons and pass the final test
Accredited hours: 3h
Teachers: Prof.ssa Cappitelli

For interested and registered participants only, 1 hour in classroom June 25 from 13.30pm - 14.30pm.

Delivery Mode: in classroom on June 25, 13.30-14.30
Registration: 60 people
Duration: 1h
Language: ITA
Criteria for completion: Attendance + Reflection on action (before to be present in class)
Accredited hours: 1h
Teachers: prof.ssa Cappitelli

In this Teaching & Learning course we will look at some aspects of teaching methodology, in particular the preparation of teaching materials. We will try to answer the following questions:

- What does it mean to produce accessible materials?
- What constraints does copyright place on your teaching design and practice?
- What difficulties can arise when dealing with third-party texts?
- Are you familiar with the teaching resources offered by the University Library Service (SBA) through Minerva?
- How to use inclusive language in teaching and research

Delivery mode: ondemand - self paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: open to all
Duration: 90'
Language: ITA/ENG
Completion criteria: watch all the video lessons and pass the final test
Recognised hours: 4h
Teachers: dott. Spanò; dott. Colombo, dott.ssa Galimberti

A course devoted to the in-depth study of teaching and learning processes. This course examines some principles and methods of instructional design.

Delivery mode: On-demand - self-paced learning (online asynchronous)
Enrolment: Open to all
Duration: 120' 
Language: ITA/ENG
Completion criteria: Watch all video lessons and pass the final test
Accredited hours: 5h
Teachers: Prof.ssa Zannini, Prof. Eberini, Prof. Garavaglia, Prof.ssa Lazazzara